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Rep. Mo Brooks: Immigration A Plot To 'Dilute The Voting Power Of Americans'

In an interview with a home-state radio station yesterday, Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama warned that immigration reform is a “political power play” by Democrats to “dilute the voting power of Americans who are alive and voting today” and “change America as we know it.”

Brooks made the remarks in an interview with Dale Jackson of WVNN.

Brooks attacked Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, who has been a leader in the push for comprehensive immigration reform. “He is open borders, he would just as soon the United States be coopted by Mexico and the other Central American countries,” Brooks said.

“He is clearly front and center among the Democrats who believe that this is a tremendous voter registration drive that they can use to dilute the voting influence of today’s American citizenry. So that’s where he’s coming from. It’s a pure political power play on his part to dilute the voting power of Americans who are alive and voting today.”

Brooks warned of “a mass migration from southern nations into the United States.”

“Once those folks are given amnesty and eventually put on a path to citizenship and eventually getting voting rights, plus having voting rights, plus having kids in the meantime who are immediately American citizens, all of that will build up more pressure on giving more pressure for giving more amnesty for more illegal aliens,” he warned. “And it will build up pressure for opening the borders so that there is no border on the south side of the United States of America, that anybody from Mexico, Central America or even South America can come in an expect to be given all the privileges of United States citizens.”

“That’s where these guys are coming from. They will change America as we know it. They will change the nation that for seven decades has been the greatest nation in world history,” he said.