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Rep. Huelskamp: Defund Obamacare Because 90 Percent Of Americans Oppose Abortion Provision That Doesn't Exist

You really have to marvel at Republican members of Congress who believe that the message of the 2012 election, in which the candidate who campaigned for Obamacare soundly defeated the candidate who campaigned to repeal Obamacare, was that most Americans want to repeal Obamacare by any means possible.

Following an election in which Democrats won the popular vote for the House of Representatives, a mere 36 percent of Americans favor repealing the Affordable Care Act and just 28 percent of voters say they’d be more likely to support a congressman who is willing to shut down the government in order to prevent the law from being funded.

That brings us to Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS), who in an interview with talk show host Steve Deace today followed his attacks on food stamp recipients by spewing the patently absurd GOP talking points that it is actually President Obama — not the Republicans — who want to shut down the government.

Then, Huelskamp asserted that voters will side with the GOP because a whopping “90 percent” of Americans oppose the reform law’s provision that “every single person under Obamacare” will pay a $1 abortion surcharge.

One problem with the congressman’s claim is that the abortion surcharge does not exist.

But no matter how many times the claim is proven false, Republicans like Huelskamp will keep repeating it and then cite the bogus charge as a justification for their nihilistic anti-Obamacare efforts.