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Renew America: God Will Bless America For Impeaching Obama

Yet another conservative commentator is citing divine intervention while making the case to impeach President Obama.

This time, Stephen Stone writes in BarbWire that God will bless America if Congress impeaches and removes the president. Stone, the president of the Alan Keyes-founded group Renew America, writes in a post for BarbWire today that impeachment is a “spiritual” undertaking. He predicts that the public will rally around impeachment once proceedings begin and expose Obama’s criminal “Marxist-Islamic remaking of America.” 

Only by removing Obama and throwing his closest allies such as Vice President Joe Biden in jail, Stone writes, can Americans show God that we are repenting for having elected Obama in an effort to prove that we are "worthy of His grace, Providence, and miraculous intervention.”

Once impeachment begins and the investigation succeeds in exposing Obama and his accomplices, despite their attempts to hide from public scrutiny, we will witness a sea change in people’s attitudes toward the usurper in the White House — a sweeping tsunami of public outrage that could well put such pressure on the Senate that removing Obama becomes the only “politically expedient” thing to do.

The likelihood that impeachment will decisively expose Obama’s treason, treachery, fraud, lies, deceit, and destructive actions to millions of undecided Americans for the first time — through the investigation power the Constitution gives Congress in cases of impeachment — will all but ensure that undecideds quickly become believers, pitchforks in hand, in huge numbers.

It’s fair to say most Democrats didn’t sign on to Obama’s fraudulent promises for the purpose of destroying America. Most may be liberal, but they are not blatantly un-American, and will not tolerate the kind of Marxist-Islamic remaking of America that Obama has pushed since Day One — once they learn how deliberate and treasonable Obama’s lies and deceptions have actually been.

Only by impeachment — with its considerable power of investigation — can we fully come to know the truth previously obscured by the media about the man who presumes to be our dictator. That alone is worth every effort to get that far.

After Obama is exposed, we can expect his tenure to end at the hands of incensed, deceived former supporters — not to mention those sworn to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Dozens of Nixon’s associates went to prison over Watergate, and many more than that are likely to do so among Obama’s inner circle (including Vice President Biden). We can anticipate that one of these subordinates with extensive knowledge, and culpability, will step forth and negotiate a deal of immunity in exchange for blowing the top off of Obama’s obstructions and lawlessness.

If we really want to see impeachment result in Obama’s removal, and thus see America have a real chance of surviving the destructive designs of the man in the White House, we need to go back to our biblical heritage, seek God’s face, and submit to His will for us individually and as a people. (See 2 Chronicles 7:14.)

Preserving our nation is as much a spiritual as a political undertaking, just as it was at the time of our founding. Like our forbears [sic], we need to humble ourselves before God, repent of our personal and collective sins, and be worthy of His grace, Providence, and miraculous intervention.

That — and do everything in our power, under our system of government, to apply the constitutional remedy of impeachment and removal to the dire situation urgently facing our republic.