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Religious Right's Chick-fil-A Chicanery

It always amazes us how Religious Right activists present themselves as fearless defenders of the truth, but constantly run away from and flat out deny statements that cause controversy.

Take the recent dispute over Chick-fil-A.

Not only does the company finance anti-gay groups, but CEO Dan Cathy has said that same-sex marriage is “inviting God’s judgment on our nation” because we “shake our fist at Him,” calling support for marriage equality a “tragic” a sign that God “left us to a depraved mind.”

Rather than defend these remarks, social conservatives groups are simply denying that Cathy ever uttered anything critical of gay rights or derogatory of the gay community.

American Family Association president Tim Wildmon yesterday maintained that gay rights supporters are only upset about the statement he gave to Baptist Press and ignored his earlier remarks:

Similarly, the Family Research Council’s prayer team claimed Cathy “said not one negative word about homosexuals nor homosexuality”:

Finally, you've probably seen reaction to Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy's declaration of support for Biblical marriage. He said not one negative word about homosexuals nor homosexuality. Rather, he said, "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect - regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender." Nevertheless, makers of the Muppets have withdrawn their partnership, and the mayor of Boston, has banned Chick-fil-A from coming to his city. Meanwhile, Internet monster Google has launched a worldwide "Legalize Love" campaign aimed at breaking down legal barriers to homosexuality in countries with moral objections. Also, J.C. Penney, which endorsed same-sex "marriage" has seen its stock go through the floor. Microsoft, which did likewise, has experienced its first quarterly loss in the company's history (Thigh will be Done, Come What Mayo, Irony of the Tolerance Police, Google). Please join us in celebrating Mike Huckabee's Wednesday, August 1, Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. And thank you for praying!

Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips endorsed “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” by falsely asserting that Cathy “has not said at least publicly that he opposes gay marriage”:

The left is now making war in Chic fil A. They do not like it that the President of Chic fil A came out against gay marriage. Dan Cathy, like his father who founded Chic fil A is a devout protestant Christian and he supports traditional marriage and family values. He has not said at least publicly that he opposes gay marriage, only that he supports traditional marriage.

If conservative leaders are so proud and supportive of Dan Cathy’s views, then why are they so intent on avoiding any mention of his unambiguously anti-gay statements?