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Religious Right Leaders Endorse Franklin Graham Call for National Day of Prayer for President Trump

Evangelist Franklin Graham (Image from CNN interview in which Graham defends President Trump, January 23, 2018)

Franklin Graham has issued a call for a special national day of prayer for President Donald Trump on June 2. It has been endorsed by more than 250 other “Christian leaders” who ask American Christians to pray “that God would protect, strengthen, embolden, and direct” Trump.

“President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency,” wrote Graham on Facebook. “In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.”

The “statement of faith” for June 2 says in part, “We believe our nation is at a crossroads, at a dangerous precipice. The only one who can fix our country's problems is God Himself, and we pray that God will bless our president and our nation for His glory."

Conservative white evangelicals helped put Trump in the White House and have remained Trump’s most loyal and intense supporters. Among the Trump cheerleaders who have signed Graham’s call are the president’s spiritual advisor Paula White, are former Rep. Michele Bachmann, Gary Bauer, Mike Bickle, Mario Bramnick, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, James and Shirley Dobson, Jim Garlow, Mark Gonzales, John Hagee, Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne, Mike Huckabee, Harry Jackson, David Jeremiah, Elizabeth Johnston, Alan Keyes, Alveda King, Richard Land, Eric Metaxas, Johnnie Moore, Penny Young Nance, Michael O’Fallon, Tony Perkins, Chuck Pierce, Ralph Reed, Samuel Rodriguez, Rick Scarborough, Kelly Shackelford, Mat Staver, Steve Strang, Lance Wallnau, and Tim Wildmon.

And looking ahead, The supposedly nonpartisan Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast Inc. will hold a July 6 gathering to pray for “the Office of the Presidency and the United States of America.” As noted by the 1100 Pennsylvania newsletter, the “Liberty Prayer Breakfast” will be the group’s second prayer breakfast at Trump’s DC hotel in just four months; it held a similar event there on April 19.

On the date of President Obama’s second inauguration, the supposedly nonpolitical Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast featured an array of right-wing speakers. As RWW reported at the time, “Even Pastor Wiley Drake – infamous for his devotion to “imprecatory prayers” against his political opponents, and his admission that he regularly prays for President Obama’s death, was recognized, applauded, and called up to the stage.”