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Religious Right Groups Ask God To Thwart Occupy Wall Street

While Religious Right leaders lauded tea party groups for taking to the streets, now they are asking for the government, and God, to crush the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Earlier this week, the Family Research Council asked members to pray against “these raucus [sic] groups” and “ideological anarchists,” asking for God to “harvest souls for Christ among them”:

The expanded Wall Street Occupation is endorsed by labor unions, liberal mayors, governors, the White House, the American Nazi and Communist parties, ACORN, Hollywood enertainers [sic] and a long list of supra-liberal and liberal groups, not the least of which is the liberal media. Encampments in major cities, including Washington, DC, are not only a nuisance, a health hazard and an embarrassment [sic] to thinking Americans, they are increasingly becoming violent. Ideological anarchists intimidate and abuse bystanders, damage automobiles, jump on and in front of moving vehicles, urinate and defacate [sic] on private and public property, go naked and perform sex acts in public, produce tons of garbage that taxpayers have to collect and haul away, etc. Yet the mainstream press, which villainized [sic] the Tea Party movement, after long ignoring it, flagrantly idealizes the Occupiers and ignores the damage and ugly crimes happening in most places where an occupation is in progress. Fortunately the movement is "losing its bloom," and beginning to die out. The honeymoon among these diverse activists may be coming to an end.

May the movement simply fizzle. May God protect those who live nearby and must encounter these raucus [sic] groups. May God harvest souls for Christ from among them just as He did discontented youth in the Jesus Movment [sic] of the 60's and 70's (1 Sam 22:1-2; 2 Chr 15:4-7; Ps 18:40-50; Is 42:14-18; Lk 19:39-40; Rom 8:15-16; 10:20).

Writing for Rick Joyner’s Oak Initiative, Lloyd Phillips asserted yesterday that Occupy Wall Street is about to become violent and referred to the economic justice movement as the “FLEA Party,” or, “For Lawlessness en’ Anarchy”:

While the “Occupy” group is not even a large group at this time, it is interesting— in a historical context—that they call themselves the 99%. This is the same tactic that was used by Vladimir Lenin in the Russian Revolution when he called his movement the “Bolsheviks,” which means “the majority.” His revolution was successful in a similar violent fashion as the French Revolution. I find it interesting that just as the TEA Party demonstrations call upon the ideals of the American Revolution, many “Occupy” protestors continually refer to the French Revolution. Numerous calls for violence have been published from various “Occupy” locations and thousands of arrests have been made across the country. In NYC alone, violent crime, including the murder rate, has soared during the time of the protesting (although this is not being widely covered by the media outlets). In a widely distributed speech, one protestor openly called for violence as with the French Revolution and called Mahatma Gandhi “a tumor” because he preached non-violent civil disobedience, which the speaker said created a nation full of poor people where wealth is distributed unevenly. This of course ignores the fact that India actually has the largest middle class of any nation on earth, and it is rapidly expanding.

It is interesting to make note of some of the groups and nations that have endorsed the “Occupy” protests: Iran and Communist China, the Communist party of the USA, the Nazi party of the USA, David Duke the KKK leader, George Soros, SEIU, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), Key Democratic leaders, and our President, to name a few. If one can tell anything from the friends one keeps perhaps this should tell us something important about the “Occupy” protests. Because of the look and dress of many of the “Occupy” protestors, some people have taken to calling them the Flea Party. The acronym for FLEA is “For Lawlessness en’ Anarchy.”

Not to be outdone, Cindy Jacobs prophesied today that God will contend with an emerging and dangerous “spirit of anarchy,” which she has previously said controls the Occupy Wall Street Movement:

For the Lord says the United States is fast approaching her "tipping point". I am ready, says God, to reach out and balance but even if tremendous prayer is poured out, it will only steady the nation for a season unless there is a heart-felt turning back to the Lord.

There are hidden plots being hatched on many levels that need to be uncovered. Plots of anarchy on various levels from minor to large. The Spirit of Anarchy will try and manifest to hold captive and terrorize the cities and this must be turned in prayer. Terrorists are moving behind the scenes to hit more than one target out a time to strike terror into the hearts of people.

However, one will put a thousand to flight and two, ten thousand! I will expose and uncover those who plot together with unlikely partnerships if my people pray! There are some nations who are saying they are at peace with the United States but it is only a ploy. Intercede for exposure of these alliances.