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Random Book Blogging: Lou Engle, Dreams About Basketball, and the Future of the Supreme Court

As I mentioned yesterday, I have been reading a lot of books lately as research for a book idea of my own that I am mulling over and, in the process, learning lots of interesting and useful things that I am going to post simply in order to share them.

Today's excerpt comes from "The Call of the Elijah Revolution" by Lou Engle and James W. Goll and I  am highlighting this passage because I think it is informative regarding the role that things like visions and dreams play in the movement (the quote below is slightly different than how it appears in the book, but I don't feel like typing the whole thing out and since this was written by Engle and makes all of the same basic points, I think it'll serve the purpose):   

Before the elections of 2004, 50 young men and women gathered for 50 days and 50 nights to continuously fast and pray for the ending of abortion and for God’s hand of mercy in establishing governmental leaders. It was prior to this intense time of intercession that a young lady from Las Vegas sent me a dream.

In the dream, there was a basketball court with an evil obstruction resting on it, and all around the court were young people weeping and crying out for the removal of this evil obstruction. In the dream I stepped onto the court wearing a referee’s shirt. (Note that a referee acts as a judge over the court.) As I walked onto the court, a 17-year-old girl fervently began declaring, “Lou Engle, it’s your turn now! Lou Engle, it’s your turn now!” Then, in the climax of this powerful dream, I took the hands of the young people, and together we swept the obstruction off the court.

The dream was very significant to me, as I have played basketball for many years. The dream used the analogy of a basketball court to speak to me concerning my place in raising up a movement of prayer to end abortion in the courts. I felt that the dream implied that a young generation was crying out for the Supreme Court to overrule Roe v. Wade.

Three days before the elections of 2004, we called our group of young people who were standing in prayer in front of the Supreme Court to a three-day Esther fast (no food and no water.) We took this from the biblical account of Esther where Haman had issued a decree for the destruction and annihilation of the Jewish peoples in the empire of Persia. Esther called a three-day fast of no food and no water in order to appeal to the Supreme Court of Heaven to overrule the edicts of the Supreme Court of Haman. I told those kids that we have to have a pro-life president who will appoint judges who will rule for the life of the unborn. We, in essence, were bringing our case before the highest court in the land—God’s court.

At the beginning of this three-day fast, I received a phone call from someone who worked in the Supreme Court asking if I wanted a special tour, an offer to which I readily agreed. Upon meeting her, this employee told me that years before, someone had given her a prophetic word declaring, “that one day she would move to DC and get a job in the Supreme Court building.” It was clear that she was living according to her prophetic destiny.

Out of curiosity, I asked her if there was basketball court in the Supreme Court building. Surprisingly, she answered that there was indeed a basketball court and that it rested precisely on top of where the Supreme Court holds its hearings. I stood there in amazement and promptly asked her to take me to court! Still in amazement at the existence of an actual basketball court, I stood and prayed that God would give us judges who will rule for the life of the unborn. Since that day, two judges have been removed and two new judges have taken their place.