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Radical Anti-Gay Republican Loses Virginia Seat

In Virginia, Sterling Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio lost his race for re-election last night, which comes as bad news for the anti-gay Right and Delgaudio’s group, Public Advocate of the United States.

Through Public Advocate, Delgaudio has been a constant source of extremist statements, including:

  • “I see well-known agents of the radical Homosexual Lobby everywhere. They are huddled in dark corners scheming and plotting.” 
  • “My health is suffering under the strain of fighting the radical Homosexual Lobby with limited help. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I am sick with worry.” 
  • “These people admit that they want to molest our children. They admit that they want special rights that no American has.” 
  • “I won't allow my children to grow up in a nation where police are forced by gay ‘rights’ laws to allow sexual predators like ‘Uncle Ed’ Savitz and Jeffrey Dahmer to rape and murder young boys in the streets. And I won't stand by while pro-homosexual school teachers expose our children to ‘gay’ filth and call it ‘AIDS education.’” 

And who could forget this bizarre protest Delgaudio staged where men with bags over their heads chanted against gays in the Boy Scouts: