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'Prophet' Cindy Jacobs Warns That A Second Civil War Is Coming Due To Gay Marriage, Anti-Christian Persecution

Yesterday, "respected prophet" Cindy Jacobs released a "mid-year prophetic update" about what God is telling modern-day prophets to expect in the coming years, especially now that the Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage nationwide.

After participating in a conference call with other members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, Jacobs reported that "sheep states" which seek to follow God's will can expect to be blessed, while "goat states" that defy God's will can expect to face drought and disaster... which is why places like Texas and Oklahoma received record rainfall (and widespread flooding) earlier this year.

"One thing that prophet after prophet said," Jacobs said, "is you're going to see rain fall in the states that are following biblical principles ... Here in Texas, we're just seeing abundance. We're saddened about the flooding but what happened with the abundance of the rain was the lakes filled up and the rain brought great blessing, great fruitfulness to harvest."

Later, Jacobs proclaimed that America will experience a "conservative revolt" and reported that her prophecy was supported by a dream that her fellow prophet James Goll recently had in which God told him that "the war between the states has begun."

"The word that I issued," Jacobs reported, "was that there would come a time when states would threaten to secede from the union" due to the persecution of Christians and attacks on religious freedom, all of which was supported by Goll's dream in which he saw soldiers engaged in a second Civil War between the "sheep states" and the "goat states."

"This is not us saying this kind of thing," Jacobs insisted, "you read the Word of God and it talks about this ... It's not anything we're saying, it's just all through the Word of God."