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Pratt: Obama Becoming Like Lenin, And Public Schools are to Blame

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt paid yet another visit to the Talk to Solomon Show last week, to discuss how President Obama is moving in a “dictatorial direction” reminiscent of the “history of despotism,” which isn’t widely appreciated because of “a government-school spawned ignorance of history.”

Pratt started the conversation with his standard explanation that the Second Amendment exists so that “the people would always have the means to resist the government, by force of arms if need be.”

Efforts to expand background checks on gun sales, he warned, are  “a pretty dangerous notion, when the very people who are the target of our guns are able to determine whether or not we get a gun.”

Later in the program, Solomon tried to rally those who might not buy into his Obama-centric conspiracy theories. “The people who the Nazis slaughtered for the most part supported their policies initially,” he warned. “If you think because you’re black, because you’re gay, because you’re a Democrat, because you’re a liberal, that they’re not going to do equally or worse to you than they are to the rest of us, I believe you are mistaken.”

“Well, that’s the history of despotism,” Pratt replied, going on to compare Obama to Vladimir Lenin. “You’re absolutely correct that those that think that if Obama were to continue moving in his dictatorial direction that they would somehow be immune because they have been politically allied, big mistake, and it reflects a government-school spawned ignorance of history.”