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Pratt: NSA Surveillance Will Force Us to Become 'Literal' Bomb-Throwers

On the latest episode of the Talk to Solomon Show, Gun Owers of American director Larry Pratt and his unhinged pal Stan Solomon start out having fun with words and end up threating to become "literal" anti-government "bomb-throwers."

In an episode of the Talk to Solomon show posted yesterday, Pratt and Solomon get very excited about the prospect of Sarah Palin running for Senate in Alaska (something that Palin herself has shown no public interest in).  Pratt tells Solomon that Palin would be a much-needed “bomb-thrower” in the Senate, at which point Solomon interejects with a clarification to the NSA, which he believes might be “monitoring” his publicly available show: “By the way, NSA, if you’re monitoring our show, that was just a manner of speech, ‘bomb-throwers.’ We’re not Muslim morons. We’re not Democrat idiots. We’re actually intelligent life forms, so drop dead.”

Pratt, however, evidently thinks Solomon is being too cautious: “Well, if they keep listening in on our conversations, who knows when it might become literal instead of a figure of speech.”