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Phyllis Schlafly Says Obama Talks About Religion Too Much and Too Little

Phyllis Schlafly is out with a new book which Kyle noted last week is a “catalog of the Religious Right's various complaints and allegations about President Obama's supposed hatred of Christianity and Christian values” and relies on false accusations, conspiracy theories and claims that Obama is trying to push religion out of public life. But after attacking Obama for supposedly not discussing religion enough in office, on The Mark Levin Show yesterday Schlafly claimed that Obama actually does use religious rhetoric rather frequently, but that it is all part of a nefarious, Alinskyite political strategy. So there you have it, it is bad when Obama talks about religion, and it is bad when Obama doesn’t talk about religion.

Levin: Is there, as you write in your book, an Alinsky angle to the way Obama approaches religion?

Schlafly: Oh yes. You’ve read Saul Alinsky, the famous Chicago radical and you can get a good idea of his approach to religion that he dedicated his book ‘Rules for Radicals’ to Lucifer. Then he said ‘you got to know all this religious lingo and you’ve got to wrap your plans to take over the country in religious arguments.’ So he taught him how to use it and taught him how to use middle class language but the whole purpose was to teach people that we live in an oppressive, unjust, racist society and we got to take it over. I think, you know, Obama said Alinsky was a better education than he ever got at Harvard and Columbia and he taught him out to do it!

Levin: They taught him how to do it and they do use the language, every now and then he blows it, every now and then he shows a little ankle.