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Paul McGuire: Christians Should Support Trump Because He's Not As Bad As Pharaoh

End Times authors Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson appeared on Jim Bakker's television program today to promote their book, “Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon." During the discussion, McGuire said that he and Anderson wrote the book, in part, to explain to Christians who refuse to support Trump that God often uses "imperfect leaders" to carry out His agenda and that Trump is nothing compared to some of the pagan leaders in the Old Testament.

"Throughout biblical history, God continually raises up imperfect leaders," he said. "In the days of the Pharaoh of Egypt—let's not be Pollyannish here—anything that is inappropriate for young children, it was far worse in the king of Babylon's time and the Pharaoh. When they partied, they partied and they didn't even have an X-rated label because anything went."

"Donald Trump, like so many other leaders in the Old Testament, was raised up by God not because he was perfect," McGuire added. "Other men in the Bible were pagan kings, in fact, they made the people worship them as gods. God has a historical record from Genesis to Revelation, over and over again, God says in his word, 'Thus saith the Lord.' He chooses who he will raise up and put down."

"He put Trump into office for a reprieve," he continued, "because our Founding Fathers, the pilgrims and Puritans, entered into a holy covenant with Almighty God, based on Deuteronomy 28. It's an everlasting covenant. That's why America is great. So here we have a man, a billionaire, and they don't like him because they can't control him. He isn't a lapdog for Pharaoh's new world order."