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Pat Robertson, Who Admits He Doesn't Know What Transgender Means, Compares Transgender People To His Castrated Horse

Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson reacted to a David Brody report on a new California law protecting transgender students by blasting the law as “insane.”

“I may be an old fuddy-duddy, what is transgender?” Robertson asked co-host Wendy Griffith.

Despite Robertson’s admission that he doesn’t know what it means to be transgender, that didn’t stop him from criticizing the law. Robertson said that while he is “not opposed” to gender reassignment surgery, “but this whole business about transgenders, you’re saying they’ve got boy parts but they want to go to the girls’ restroom, that’s absurd.”

Robertson said he is sticking up for “the normal people” against the “insane” LGBT rights movement:

Why are we exposed to this stuff? They are driving the agenda, driving everybody crazy, all this sexual identity, sexual politics, ‘Mommy Has Two Mommies’ [sic] and all that stuff, it’s a tiny fringe but they seem to have control of the levers of power in the media and especially in Hollywood. But it’s insane. I just cannot believe that the normal people in America, the people who want to just live their lives can’t be allowed to do it without having this stuff imposed on them constantly. You’ve explained to me, I’m not sure we know yet.

Later in the broadcast, Robertson said: “now, we talk about transgender, I have a former stallion who is now a gelding.”