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Pat Robertson Warns 'Zealots' Want To 'Destroy The Health Supply' Of America

Since we are tasked with watching the 700 Club every day, we were rather amused when televangelist Pat Robertson insisted in a recent interview with The Blaze(link is external) that he is a “mainstream” pundit and not “some sort of right-wing extremist.” As Robertson explained today on his show, it is actually liberals who are the real zealots(link is external).

Robertson began his rant by falsely claiming(link is external) that the Affordable Care Act is a government takeover of the health care system: “The government shouldn’t be providing health care, that’s not their job; the government should make an opportunity for the private sector to provide [health insurance].” (Of course, that is exactly what the Affordable Care Act does by establishing private health insurance exchanges.)

“This thing has been an absolute disaster,” Robertson continued. “The president has been willing to destroy the health supply of our entire nation to accommodate the left-wing, this is left-wing ideology and we’ve got to resist it. You’ll find it in terms of the labor market, you’ll find it in terms of environmentalism. The left are people who are filled with this righteous zeal, they’re zealots and they don’t have a balanced perspective on life. Whenever they get in charge of something, they ruin it.”

He later remarked that “extremists” and “fanatics” run the Democratic Party: “They’re not facing reality, that’s what these extremists do, they don’t face reality, and those of us who have any kind of sense about the world that we live in have got to stand up against these fanatics because they are fanatics but unfortunately they control one of the major parties in America.”