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Pat Robertson Warns that the Left and Muslim-Americans 'Want Sharia Law,' Attacks Anti-Defamation League

 On the 700 Club today Pat Robertson once again went on an unhinged rant against progressives and Muslim-Americans while speaking with basketball reporter turned security “expert” Erick Stakelbeck. Robertson said that “people on the left and these Islamic groups want to undermine our freedoms, they don’t want a free society like we have here, they want Sharia law,” and Stakelbeck, who once asserted that the “Left sees Islam as an ally and Western Civilization and the Judeo-Christian tradition is the enemy” because they “have a shared hatred for this country,” claimed that Islam is inherently violent because of violence in its history and religious texts and reverence for the Prophet Mohammad. Certainly, Stakelbeck wouldn’t make the same claims about the Jewish and Christian faiths even though the Bible includes stories violence and leaders involved in wars.

Robertson later blasted the Anti-Defamation League and its leader Abraham Foxman, for decrying the televangelist’s comparison of anti-Muslim activists like himself to the opponents of Nazis. “The so-called Anti-Defamation League which is supposed to be an Israeli, a Jewish organization, jumps on me for saying unkind things about Muslims, these guys just are blinded,” Robertson said, “I’m shocked at how blinded they are.”


Robertson: Are we throwing our country away? Are we going to give it away? These people on the left and these Islamic groups want to undermine our freedoms, they don’t want a free society like we have here, they want Sharia law. Are we giving this country away?

Stakelbeck: The Left? Absolutely, Pat. Full speed ahead, handing it over, not only in Europe but here in America. No intellectually honest individual can say Islam is a religion of peace and I say that for three reasons. Number one, Islam’s core texts, the Quran, the Hadiths, are littered with violence and calls to violence, especially against Christians and Jews; number two, the example of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad, who even Muslims will tell you was a warrior and a conqueror and not a man of peace; number three, a cursory glance at Islam’s history, both current, older, it’s littered with conquests, with bloodshed, with expansionism. No intellectually honest individual Pat could look at those three points and tell you with a straight face that Islam is a religion of peace. We are kidding ourselves and it’s not going to get better if we are trying to appease Islamists that only makes them want more and more and it makes them stronger.

Robertson: Erick I hope you’re issuing a wakeup call and so are we, but I’m listening to these talking heads on MSNBC, they just don’t have a clue and if somebody speaks out against it ‘you’re bigoted, you’re narrow-minded, you’re this that and the other.’ Oh man, Abe Foxman jumped on me for telling the truth about this, I was trying to defend our Israeli friends and the so-called Anti-Defamation League which is supposed to be an Israeli, a Jewish organization, jumps on me for saying unkind things about Muslims, these guys just are blinded. I’m shocked at how blinded they are.