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Pat Robertson Urges Parents Not To Attend Their Gay Child's Wedding

On today's "700 Club," Pat Robertson took a question from a viewer who sought his advice on whether she and her husband should attend their gay child's upcoming wedding, which Robertson predictably urged them not to do.

The viewer said that while one parent was adamant about not attending "because it's against the Lord's plan," the other felt that they should attend in order to show support and love for their child.  In the past, Roberson has been very clear that Christians should not attend gay weddings and he repeated that advice today.

"You don't agree with it. You've got to stand there and be a witness to it," Robertson said. "By your attendance at the ceremony, you are agreeing with it ... I just wouldn't go. I would tell your child, 'I love you but I cannot condone this. We will always love you but I don't condone this activity.'"

Robertson urged the parents to be unified in opposition and not to allow the parent who wished to attend the wedding to do so "because that indicates that [your child's] conduct is splitting your marriage."

"Be in unity," Robertson said, "and I would say don't go":