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Pat Robertson: Prosecuting Bob McDonnell For Corruption Is 'Destroying This Nation'

Is Bob McDonnell the latest Religious Right “victim” of President Obama’s purported persecution of conservatives?

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson and Jay Sekulow did their best to paint the former Republican governor of Virginia as the victim of a “political prosecution,” decrying his corruption trial as a “political witch hunt” spearheaded by Attorney General Eric Holder.

Robertson alleged, without any evidence, that Holder wanted to stop Mitt Romney from tapping McDonnell as his running mate in 2012 and is “behind all of this stuff.”

“It is just one more reason why this administration is just destroying this nation and destroying its own credibility.”

Both Robertson and Sekulow are close to McDonnell, who attended the televangelist’s CBN University (now Regent University), where he wrote his controversial thesis. McDonnell was a member of Regent University’s board of trustees and Robertson donated to his campaign.