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Pat Robertson: Michelle Fields 'Could've Had A Bomb'

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson defended Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who is facing allegations that he grabbed and bruised former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields at a campaign event. Lewandowski was charged with simple battery yesterday over the incident.

“The female reporter rushed the candidate,” Robertson said. “Where were the Secret Service people who were supposed to defend him? She could’ve had a knife. She could’ve had a gun. She could’ve had a bomb.”

She had a pen.

“Secret Service did nothing so now the aide is being sued,” he lamented.

Robertson’s claim that Fields, a credentialed reporter, rushed Trump conflicts with a police report that found that the presidential candidate was taking questions from the press and signing autographs at the time.

According to the police report, rather than valiantly trying to save Trump from an assailant, Lewandowski, who initially claimed he “never touched” Fields, was just trying to get closer to the candidate:

The video parallels what Fields told me, in that Trump was walking towards the exit of the ballroom, taking questions, and signing autographs. Fields is seen on video, holding her phone up to Trump, appearing to ask him a question. Trump had looked in her direction, and then Lewandowski extended his left arm out, stepping between Trump and another male subject believed to be U.S. Secret Service. After extending his arm out, Lewandowski appeared to reach for Field’s left arm with his left hand, allowing him to get closer to Fields.

Lewandowski then grabbed Fields left arm with his right hand, causing her arm to turn and step back. This motion cleared a path for Lewandowski to walk past Fields, allowing him to “catch up” and get closer to Trump, who was walking during this entire incident.