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Pat Robertson: 'Don't Let This Country Turn Into Russia'

During today's broadcast, "The 700 Club" featured a story about the wrongful termination lawsuit filed by former Atlanta fire chief Kelvin Cochran after he was fired for having distributed an anti-gay book he had written to several coworkers.

Pat Robertson, of course, was outraged by the story and demanded to know why Black Lives Matter activists were not rallying to Cochran's defense.

"This is a shocking thing," Robertson said. "He is a black man. Where are the black people? Black Lives Matter, why don't they stand up and talk about Chief Cochran? It's time that they stand for one of their own."

Robertson went on to fume that "surveys show one percent of the American people are lesbian and perhaps four percent, maybe five percent, are homosexual. That's it! Are we going to allow this tiny minority to take away the jobs of people who believe contrary to their beliefs? What kind of a nation do we have?"

"Don't let this country turn into Russia," he warned.