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Pastor Compares CT School Massacre to Gay Marriage

Homeschooling activists Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner dedicated today’s Generations Radio program to blaming the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut on the public school system (the shooter was homeschooled). Swanson said Americans shouldn’t be shocked by the violence since the country upholds abortion rights, and Buehner said that people should not be surprised the shooting took place if they support other forms of “rebellion against God” like gay marriage.

Swanson: It is interesting that this is probably one of the most shocking experiences; America has been stunned by what happened. I think there is still somewhat of a conscience. There may not be a conscience about killing the unborn children, there may not be as much of a conscience of killing twenty-seven year olds, but apparently when these bodies of little six and seven year olds riddled by bullets are being examined by the experts, hundreds of thousands and millions of people in America are still somewhat stunned, apparently they have some level of moral outrage left for the slaughter of the innocents in Newtown, Connecticut.

Buehner: I think you’re exactly right. The liberals are proposing that we as a nation follow a kinder, gentler flavor of rebellion against God. They’d like a rebellion that stops a little short of murdering kindergartners. They want the rebellion that involves gay marriage; they want the rebellion that embraces rape rap and abortion and a media that is in utter defiance against the law of God. That’s the kind of society they want; they want a society that’s in rebellion but not that much rebellion.

Swanson: Right.