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Parker: Progressives Treat Sarah Palin and Clarence Thomas Like Runaway Slaves

Writing for the conservative Washington Examiner, Religious Right activist and failed congressional candidate Star Parker thinks Sarah Palin and Clarence Thomas are just as heroic and victimized as runaway slaves. But in their cases, they are runaways from the “government plantation.” Parker, who Palin endorsed last year, and has claimed that repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is the greatest threat to the country and that marriage equality will augment HIV infections, likens Palin and Thomas to runaway slaves and progressives to slave masters. She writes:

Slaves who had the temerity to run away from their plantation "home" paid dearly if they were caught and returned. Measures were taken to make them an example to others who might harbor similar thoughts about freedom.

Among those measures were brutal public beatings of rebels to which other slaves were forced to bear witness and digest with great clarity the price of rebelliousness.

Such is the fate today of those uppity souls who choose to challenge the authority and legitimacy of our inexorably growing government plantation.

Those with interests for the care and feeding of this plantation cannot physically punish these rebels with the whip.

Their whip is the mainstream media and the means of punishment of this virtual whip is not beating of a physical body but assassination of character.

This perspective helps us understand the ongoing liberal obsession with destroying Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

After all, in the liberal mind-set, the government plantation, carefully grown and nurtured by liberals over these years, supposedly on behalf of our unfortunate "have-nots," should be the natural home for anyone of modest background and no inheritance.

Not only should that individual want to live on the plantation, but you'd think they would want to participate in the noble cause of keeping it growing.