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Paranoia-Rama: Trump Embraces Sandy Hook Truther, Obama's 'Hate Crimes' And World War III Is Imminent

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Conservatives have issued new doomsday prophecies about President Obama and gay people ushering in God’s wrath, so it may be time to purchase buckets of stomach-churning survivalist food.

5) World War III Could Start This Month!

Televangelist Jim Bakker always finds exciting new ways to sell his buckets of survival food.

In a recent broadcast, Bakker warned viewers that they should purchase food buckets now because there are “credible” reports that World War III could start by the end of the month, and buckets will be sold out once the global war begins.

Viewers may be understandably skeptical, since Bakker also warned back in September 2015 that America would witness economic collapse, natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

4) Obama Inviting God’s Wrath

Last year, Rep. Louie Gohmert said that gay people getting married will bring God’s judgment to America.

This week, however, the Texas congressman said it was the re-election of President Obama back in 2012 that incited God to judge America, explaining in an interview with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council that America will face divine punishment for electing a leader who seeks to “persecute those who are trying to follow the words of God.”

He accused Obama of committing “hate crimes” against Christians and warned that the president is even taking his anti-Christian “bullying” overseas.

Gohmert, of course, is the same congressman who thinks the U.S. under Obama is aiding Al Qaeda, blamed the White House for the Jade Helm 15 Texas invasion conspiracy theory, warned that liberals are inviting “terror babies” to the U.S. and alleged that Obamacare created a secret government paramilitary.

3) Sabotage!

While Donald Trump seems to love Diamond and Silk, two pundits who have made a name for themselves with their pro-Trump videos, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has his suspicions.

Limbaugh worried that the two “black babes” are “stealth Democrats.” He said that they might be encouraging Democrats to register as Republicans in order to vote for Trump in certain closed primaries for the same reason that Limbaugh ran “Operation Chaos,” where he urged listeners to vote in the 2008 Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton “so she can continue battling Barack Obama and create chaos in the party, thereby aiding the Republicans this November.”

Now, Limbaugh is worried that the two are using his own tactics to sabotage the GOP’s chances in November by helping Trump win the nomination.

2) ‘Society Will Be Destroyed’ Due To Gay Marriage

When the Supreme Court struck down state bans on same-sex marriage last year, we heard numerous right-wing predictions about the horrible consequences of the decision, with many conservatives declaring that the next president must appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will overturn the ruling.

So it came as a surprise when Rafael Cruz, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz, said in a recent interview that if his son isn’t elected president, then the Supreme Court will rule in favor of “the destruction of traditional marriage,” which is conservative code for marriage equality.

Such a decision, the elder Cruz said, will destroy the family and therefore “society will be destroyed.”

Since the ruling already took place, we wonder how families and society have survived despite same-sex couples getting married.

1) Trump’s Sandy Hook Truther

Speaking of anti-gay radicals, pastor Carl Gallups recently endorsed Donald Trump, an endorsement the GOP presidential frontrunner called a “great honor.”

Gallups spoke at a Trump rally last January, which must have been a perfect fit since Gallups and Trump share a love of Vladimir Putin and birther conspiracy theories,  along with an antipathy towards refugees.

The preacher also has quite a record of attacking gay people, whom he believes are ushering in God’s wratheconomic turbulence and slavery.

As Eric Hananoki of Media Matters pointed out, Gallups has pushed claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> a hoax staged by government agents and crisis actors in order to justify an imminent plan to confiscate firearms.

Naturally, Gallups denied his own verbatim quotes and insisted, as right-wing conspiracy theorists often do, that he was just asking the question. As he told the far-right conspiracy site WorldNetDaily:

“I can state, right now, that not only have I never said categorically that the Sandy Hook tragedy is a complete fabrication or hoax, right now, I’m denying that it was a hoax,” Gallups said.

“That doesn’t prevent me from asking questions. That doesn’t prevent me from saying, ‘Here’s a part of that whole scenario that is odd.’ When I’m behind that microphone interviewing people, I’m a radio host and an investigative reporter and so I make no apologies for asking those questions.”

“No one will find anywhere in writing or any audio clip taken in context, that I have ever claimed Sandy Hook is a complete hoax from top to bottom,” Gallups told WND. “I have always said, from the beginning, as many people were saying, that there are many things about the case that are strange.”

Gallups recently met with fellow lawman and Trump supporter Joe Arpaio, the Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff. At the meeting, he was sworn in as a “Special Deputy for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.”

Working with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, one of the country’s most vocal birthers, does not help his case that he is not a conspiracy theorist.