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Paranoia-Rama: This Week In Right-Wing Lunacy - 11/22/13

RWW's Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Next time you turn on “The Walking Dead,” be warned that it may actually be part of a government plot to condition Americans to accept mass killings. That is, if Obama doesn’t get away with his plan to nuke America first!

Check out what we learned from some of the “brightest” minds of the far-right this week:

5. Next Stop: Military Coup

Even though the National Review once demanded the Senate change its rules on the filibustering of judicial nominees, one columnist for the conservative journal, Charles W. Cooke, told Fox News host Gretchen Carlson yesterday that Obama is setting the stage to undermine the democratic system of government: “You could just ignore the House. You could have a military coup; you could have anything at the end of this.” And all this time we thought conservatives would be delighted at the thought of a military coup.

4. Gay People Behind Homophobic Violence

Pastor Scott Lively helped come up with Russia’s new law that stifles free speech perceived to be “homosexual propaganda,” and he relies on some incredible logic when trying to explain how the country’s crackdown on the gay community and the increase in gay hate crimes has nothing to do with its anti-gay laws.

See, according to Lively, the Nazis were all gay. Therefore, neo-Nazis in Russia who are beating up gay people must be gay, too! Lively didn’t offer any evidence to back up his claims that Russia is only experiencing “gay-on-gay crime.” “The guys that are beating up gays in Russia,” Lively insisted, “are butch homosexuals.”

3. Immigration Reform A Muslim Brotherhood Plot

It turns out the allegation that Obama has secret plan to bring 50-100 million Muslim immigrants was shockingly not true. Apparently, Obama actually wants to open the borders to 150 million Muslims. The American Family Association’s Sandy Rios even thinks that the whole push for immigration reform is being engineered by the Muslim Brotherhood “to bring in tons of illegal immigrant Muslims who don’t wish us any kind of good.”

2. Government Using Zombie Culture To Prepare For Mass Executions

Are TV shows like “The Walking Dead” helping the government prepare “the public for mass executions of people”? Conservative talk show host Rick Wiles is just asking the question! During an interview with a spokesman for the Zombie Response Team, Wiles wondered if the popularity of zombie culture is really just a big government plot to make people more comfortable for impending killings. “I’m trying to figure out: What are they up to? What are they preparing for?”

1. Obama Almost Nuked America

And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for three meddling admirals. According to right-wing activists Erik Rush and Jim Garrow, Obama planned to kill 300 million people by setting off nuclear bombs across the US in order to help George Soros make more money.

While Obama’s dastardly plan was stopped in the nick of time by “three absolute heroes,” Garrow believes Obama will blackmail his way into an unconstitutional third term and maybe then he will nuke America for real.