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Paranoia-Rama: The Rapture, Jade Helm 15, And Gay Bashing Are Back and Racism Is The Fault Of Darwin

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

This week, the far-right still cannot let go of Jade Helm 15, the ever looming rapture, the true origin of racism, and a children’s movie gets political.

5. Belief In Evolution Causes Racism

We have found the culprit for racism, and his name is Charles Darwin.

Alex McFarlan, host of an American Family Radio program, recently appeared on TheDove TV to explain to those who trust the lies of science that belief in evolution is the root cause of racism in America today. Because the Bible teaches that the only race is the human race, it logically follows that racist individuals are getting those ideas elsewhere, McFarlane explained. “Evolution,” he said, “for about 75 years, has had a stranglehold on American education, and so the number one reason for racism is belief in evolution.”

McFarlan, apparently forgetting such things as the history of slavery in America, claimed that the Founding Fathers clearly knew all men are created equal and blamed “150 years of Darwinian evolution” for ruining this core American principle. 

4. The ‘Lego Movie’ Is ‘Insidious’ Propaganda Against Business Owners

Apparently, a concerted leftist propaganda effort has shifted cultural attitudes toward believing that “government is good and business is bad,” and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., is not going to stand for it.

The latest evidence for this effort is, according to Johnson, “The Lego Movie,” in which a Lego businessman is a bad guy attempting to destroy the Lego world for profit. But don’t let yourself think this is any innocent children’s film. According to Johnson, “That’s done for a reason. They’re starting that propaganda, and it’s insidious.”

Johnson continues with a heart-wrenching story of some leftist indoctrination of children he heard about while fundraising. He apparently “called a gentleman, it was a couple months ago, he was so upset, he took his children to an animated movie, six-andseven-year-old children, to an animated movie – and guess who the villain was? Evil Mr. Businessperson. It’s insidious. That propaganda starts very early.”

After a number of media outlets reported on Johnson's comments, he responded that he was surprised that people had “never encountered the idea before.”

3. Jade Helm 15 Evolves

The anti-government militia group Oath Keepers published an article on its website this week that offers a fresh take on the Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theory. The U.S. government, argues journalist Brandon Smith, created ISIS in order to manufacture a threat that will allow them to impose martial law.

Smith argues that “the organization known as ISIS has long been a collaborative creation of the U.S. government and its allies,” which will at some point attack the U.S., giving the government a “rationale” for imposing martial law, which they are preparing for with Jade Helm 15:

With at least 45% of Americans concerned that open domestic military exercises are a precursor to greater federal control over states and more than 62% convinced that government power is suffocating individual liberty, it is only a matter of time before the government spin doctors create a semi-believable rationale for such endeavors as Jade Helm. I believe that ISIS could be their perfect rationale.

As public concern is amplified and evidence indicating that the Department of Defense is lying about the purpose of JH15 is more widely recognized, the DOD may very well admit that the operation is not for training in foreign theaters. Rather, they may argue that JH15 is in fact training designed to protect Americans on American soil from widespread terrorist threats. That is to say, the new spin will be that Jade Helm is meant to save us all from the psychopathic child killing cannibal monstrosity known as ISIS.

Smith notes that this is all very similar to the plot of the 1985 Chuck Norris movie “Invasion U.S.A.”

2. The Rapture Is Near (Again)

The Rapture is here (again), and according to anti-gay Religious Right commentator Larry Tomczak it will look strikingly similar to the new blockbuster disaster film “San Andreas”.

Tomczak explains that “San Andreas” acts as a prophetic warning of the End Times, and is only a small portion of what humanity should expect to experience soon.

“Jesus gave warning also about pestilence and diseases," Timczak says. "Think about airborne Ebola and the porous southern border. Is it going to take another stock market crash, global economic collapse? All of these things are present day realities. Do we see the handwriting on the wall that we are at an apocalyptic unprecedented tipping point?”

Apparently this knowledge comes straight from the Bible. Tomczak adds that "the Book of Revelation, in chapter 9, says there will be a cataclysmic event that will kill a third of mankind. Now Jesus Christ predicted fearful events, a time of punishment, men's hearts failing them with fear and maybe believe 9/11 was our wake up call, but we've hit the snooze alarm." For Tomczak, "we need to awaken to the reality that America has forgotten God. We've drifted and it's time to turn back to him. The clock is ticking."

Tomczak is not alone in thinking this, as last Friday Anne Graham Lotz appeared on CBN to discuss her courageous efforts to save America from God’s judgement. Lotz explained that terrorism, natural disasters, economic problems, and social unrest are all warning signs from God that the return of Jesus Christ will happen within her lifetime.

Lotz, like Tomczak, believes, “with deep conviction, that it's my generation, I believe that in my lifetime, if I live out my lifetime, a natural lifetime, I believe I will live to see the return of Jesus in the Rapture when he comes back to take us to be with himself. Which means, preceding that, there are going to be some signs, there are going to be some warnings".

These signs will look much like the movie “San Andreas,” so beware.

1. Texas Flooding Due To Flood Of Gays                       

Texas is flooding. And Bryan Fischer knows where the blame lies: with those who are bringing “witchcraft and sodomy” into the state. Fischer agreed with a caller on his radio program yesterday who said that the only parts of Texas that are underwater are the parts “that are overrun with witchcraft and sodomy,” such as Houston, which has a “sodomite mayor.”

The caller claimed, "If God is judging Texas, it's because of the witchcraft and sodomy that we've allowed to run rampant,” and Fischer agreed that that was a very plausible explanation.

"If you're going to attribute the flooding in Texas to some kind of supernatural cause, you can make a geographical connection between the flooding and the practice of the occult and witchcraft and the embrace of homosexuality,” he said. “That's where the disaster is being felt the worse.” Just like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was also a localized natural disaster that "just wiped out those two cities where homosexuality had been embraced.”

So, “if you're going to make a case that there is some supernatural origin to this natural disaster that would probably be the place to look."