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Paranoia-Rama: The Impeachment Scam, Obama Recruits Child Soldiers, And OFA Gives Away The Game

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

This week, we learn that Republican calls for impeachment are actually Democrats’ fault, see a major admission about Obama’s presidency, and explore the connections between environmental protection, the border crisis, Obamaphones, and the president’s private army.

5. Republican Calls For Impeachment Are A Democratic Plot.

We’ve always suspected that people like Bryan Fischer and Matt Barber are liberal plants sent to discredit and destroy the conservative movement from within, but we never knew how far the plot extended.

House Speaker John Boehner busted the scheme wide open this week when he declared that the idea of impeaching President Obama is “all a scam started by the Democrats at the White House” and that “this whole talk about impeachment is coming from the president's own staff and coming from Democrats on Capitol Hill” in an effort to make Republicans look extreme.

Of course, since the very beginning of Obama’s presidency, the GOP’s base has been clamoring to impeach him and remove him from office (although nobody can ever quite agree for what supposed crime).

Those calling for impeachment have even included a number of Republican members of Congress, including Rep. Steve Stockman, who distributed a book in favor of impeachment to every office on Capitol Hill .

And even after Boehner declared the whole thing to be a scam, prominent right-wing talkers including Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin continued to call for impeachment.

So now, we suppose, multiple members of Congress,Fox News personalities, and major Religious Right organizations are all pawns of the Democratic impeachment agenda.

4. Team Obama Admits To Alinskyite Conspiracy.

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has found more solid proof that President Obama has launched an Alinskyite plot to destroy America: an Organizing For Action birthday card that calls the president the “Organizer in Chief.” Let Farah explain:

“Organizer in Chief”?

Isn’t that one of the derisive titles pinned on Obama by his harshest critics?

Isn’t that what Rush Limbaugh calls him?

Isn’t that what I call him?

Doesn’t the origin of that term come from Obama’s devotion to Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” the bible of radical, left-wing community organizing?

In fact, doesn’t the new hit movie “America” by Dinesh D’Souza focus quite a bit of attention on Obama’s Alinskyite community organizing roots and how he has carried this brand of activism and incitement right into the White House?

Yes to all of the above.

So why would Obama’s very own political action committee be embracing the cheeky slur against the “commander in chief”?

It’s an admission. It’s immunization. It’s a contemptuous non-repudiation of the truth. It’s classic Alinskyism on display.

3. EPA Recruting Central American Kids To Love Big Government.

Infowars put two and two together this week, noting that the Environmental Protection Agency has solicited a contractor for “Hispanic Media and Public Outreach Support” and “English to Spanish Translation Services” around the same time that thousands of Central American children are fleeing to the United States…an obvious plot to hook them early on Big Government:

The Environmental Protection Agency is targeting Spanish-only speakers in an upcoming public relations campaign, raising concerns that bureaucrats are already encouraging illegal aliens from Central America – potential future voters – to support big government.

2. Migrant Kids Will Be Used For Medical Experiments….

Rep. Michele Bachmann brought her trademark analysis to the crisis of children fleeing violence in Central America who have come in large numbers to the southwestern American border. In an appearance on “WallBuilders Live” this week, Bachmann suggested that the Central American children will be put into the foster care system and used for medical experimentation :

1. …Or Lured With Obamaphones To Become Child Soldiers.

What could be worse than using migrant children as unwilling guinea pigs for medical experiments? How about luring them with free phones to become child soldiers in President Obama’s private army that will impose tyranny on America?

William Gheen and Alex Jones have the scoop :