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Paranoia-Rama: Sarah Palin Versus Science, Franklin Graham's Warning And The Looming Gay Civil War

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

While Sarah Palin concentrates on fighting the supposed myth of climate change, Franklin Graham and other conservatives are warning about the imminent dangers of LGBT rights.

5) Sarah Palin Debunks Climate Science

Noted climate science expert Sarah Palin was invited to publicize the recent film “Climate Hustle,” which, according to the Guardian, “dismisses global warming as an excuse for government takeover and makes the outrageously false claim that rising carbon emissions are beneficial.”

Anyone with doubts about the film’s claims can rest assured that Palin has attested to its scientific accuracy. The former half-term Alaska governor promoted the film at an event hosted by Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, who just so happens to chair the House committee on science, space and technology.

The former vice-presidential nominee admitted she did not believe scientists about anything any more – and appealed to presidential contenders to intervene, somehow.

“The science is kind of getting thrown out of the window in discussions about changes in the weather,” Palin said. “It’s something that our candidates should be talking about and giving us their view on and hopefully acknowledging that it needs to become in the science community less political. Otherwise, it leads us to believe that so many things then coming from the scientists could be bogus. If this is bogus, what else are they trying to tell us and control us around?”

To Palin’s mind, efforts by government, business leaders, campaigners – and yes, scientists like Nye – to fight climate change were a mere smokescreen for a huge power grab. She did not say by whom.

Palin said that climate science experts have a “political,” “predetermined agenda” and “have studied the data that they are erroneously delivering to the public to make us think that we can somehow change the weather and how they do that is to grow government and allow the government to have more control over us, our homes, our businesses, our families, our lives, and it’s quite unfortunate because these people must be purposely doing this, right?”

“Bill Nye is as much a scientist as I am,” she declared.

4) Gay Civil War

Conservative blogger Michael Ware is very concerned about the prospect of a coming civil war.

And the LGBT rights movement is to blame.

Ware writes that just as slavery was the “wedge” that kept “pushing the North and South apart,” now America is divided by “the economic and political bullying” of states that are “unwilling to give these perverse people the legal club with which to beat the church into submission.”

What we have to ask is: is this a replay of the events that led to that bloody conflict fought between Americans from 1861-1865? Is the Unitarian playbook now being used by the Homosexual agenda to finish the destruction they started in the Church?

Or is it just coincidence that the same things are being said about the church? Are these people just pouting or are they preparing to devour our rights?

It sure looks as if the same people are again the target of their vile threatening. We must pray for deliverance from such a situation, and from such a beast.

3) Gay Socialism

While Ware thinks that the gay rights movement is leading to war, WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush believes that the movement is part of a gradual effort to introduce socialism.

He writes this week that liberals are only “concerned about the supposed rights of homosexuals, transvestites and assorted sexual deviants” because they are determined to establish a “socialist state,” and can only do so by “disenfranchising” anyone who gets in their way. LGBT equality, he writes, “negates the civil liberties of the majority” and “opens the door to ever-increasing institutional oppression of the majority faction.”

“Once this has been accomplished, not only does the doctrine of the majority no longer effectively supersede the will of the State, but the State is now free to impose secular doctrines, laws and regulations that are more conducive to state control and manipulation of the populace in every area of their lives,” Rush writes. “Thus, it becomes clear that the ‘struggle for LGBT rights’ in America is and has always been nothing more than a pretext for the complete disenfranchisement of Christians.”

2) Franklin Graham’s Diagnosis

Franklin Graham took his Decision America tour to Montgomery, Alabama, this week, where he told the crowd that the devil is behind the separation of church and state “lie” and that communist secularism is taking control of America.

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports:

“When I think of the sins of this country, well, where do you begin to list them? Abortion, the murder of children in a mother's womb. Millions. Same sex marriage, the flaunting and celebrating of this sin.”

Drawing on his childhood memories of the Cold War, Graham argued that “enemies” are engaged in warfare for the spiritual salvation of the United States.

“As the [Berlin] wall came down, secularism began to creep into Washington. It crept into our universities, into our state capitols, it got into our city government. There’s no difference between secularism and communism. They’re both godless. Both are godless. And godless secularism is now taking control of our governments.”

“You say, but Franklin, how about separation of church and state? What about it? Let me tell you that’s just a lie that the enemy uses to try to keep your mouth shut.”

1) The Truth About Glenn Beck Finally Comes Out

Well, here’s something different. Rather than a conspiracy theory from Glenn Beck, it’s a conspiracy theory about Glenn Beck.

In a long rant that has something to do with aspartame, Alex Jones says that Beck “was hired right before 9/11 and gotten ready to come out to be the synthetic Alex Jones,” telling InfoWars viewers that Beck “watched weeks of my videos and shows” and was told, “Take this and mix it with Oprah.”

“He’s a mixture of Oprah Winfrey and Alex Jones, all in a big, weird doughboy’s body,” Jones said. “A cult leader. A Nellie high priest.”