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Paranoia-Rama: Imprisonment Of Christians, The Destruction Of Financial Markets, And The Transgender Agenda

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

This week, all the classics top the list of things the Right Wing thinks are threats to America: gay people, undocumented immigrants, transgender people and, of course, the Obama administration.

1) God Will Destroy Financial Markets Over ‘Sodomy’ In America

Pat Robertson has frequently warned of the destruction of the financial markets by an angry God, and this week Robertson claimed that “sodomites” in the United States will be the thing to provoke God’s wrath.

America, according to Robertson, is turning into Sodom now that the United States has “enshrined sodomy into the United States Constitution.” He explained: “I don’t want the wrath of God to hit this country, it’s a great country, I’d like to see America continue strong, but this is one way of weakening it. First of all, we’re going to have this financial collapse. We’re setting up for a massive financial collapse and I think if God is going to hurt this country that’s probably the way he’d do it.”

2) Undocumented Immigrants In Cities ‘Increases The Rate Of Disease’

Marc Siegel joined the hosts of Fox News’ “Outnumbered” to discuss the real danger of sanctuary cities: rampant disease. “When you let illegal immigrants into a sanctuary city, they don't come in with a card that says I don't have tuberculosis or I don't have the flu or I don't have this disease,” Siegel explained. “And these things spread around big cities like San Francisco. It increases the rate of disease, and it increases the pressure on the healthcare system.”

Host Harris Faulkner attempted to link undocumented immigrants in San Francisco to a global rise in tuberculosis deaths, adding that she “was reading just this week that tuberculosis is now leading most of the other diseases around the world in killing people.” Siegel assessed that this was a “really important” point.

3) Conspiracy To Eliminate Religion From America

Representative Randy Forbes gave a sermon warning of a government conspiracy to expunge religion from the “marketplace of ideas” last month at his home church in Chesapeake, Virginia, as part of the Pray USA effort, an initiative of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation.

"I could put up on this screen or on this screen or on both of them the proof that would show you this isn't some natural evolution, this is artificially driven,” Forbes explained. “I can show you organization after organization after organization to a network that would frighten you because it would be vast that you couldn't get it on that screen, of organizations that are funded and paid with a systematic approach to killing and destroying faith in America today."

4) Obama Wants To Imprison Christian Conservatives

Speaking of the plot to silence Christians, Bryan Fischer asserted on his radio program this week that President Obama would imprison all conservative Christians, if only he could get away with it.

Fischer responded to a caller who alleged that the Justice Department’s plan to release 6,000 nonviolent drug offenders from federal prisons was a plot to make room for Christians in prisons by agreeing, "I think that is where we would go if he had his way."

"I honestly do,” Fischer continued. “I believe that is where we would wind up, if he could do what he wanted to do without any kind of restriction, he would lock people up who disagree with him, and that's us. Conservative Christians are the ones who have the biggest problem.”

5) Transgender Women Are Predators

The Right Wing is outraged at the Obama administration this week after the Education Department found that “an Illinois school district violated anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student who identifies as a girl and participates on a girls’ sports team to change and shower in the girls’ locker room without restrictions.”

Pat Robertson revealed this week that he is under the impression that transgender students only want access to locker rooms that match their gender in order to eyeball girls. “This transgender stuff, I mean, this was a boy and this boy, we don’t know what surgery was performed on him, if any, we don’t know what his parts are,” he said, “and yet he wants to go into the girls’ locker room and see all these disrobed little girls running around.”

Phyllis Schlafly has also been persuaded that the transgender movement is a threat. In an interview on Newsmax TV, Schlafly alleged that the Department of Education’s announcement is proof that transgender advocates are “trying to turn our boys into peeping Toms.” She added, “I can’t imagine why else they would want to go into their girls’ restrooms.”