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Pamela Geller, Joseph Farah Compare Obama-Supporting Jews To Nazi Appeasers

Anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller is outraged that the USC Shoah Foundation, a genocide history project founded by Steven Spielberg, is giving an award to President Obama at its upcoming “Ambassadors for Humanity” gala.

Geller, who believes Obama is “single-handedly paving the way for the next holocaust,” told WorldNetDaily that the award “is illustrative of the willful blindness of liberal Jews” who have “traded their religion” and “traded G-d (and their morality)” for political clout.

“Shame on Steve Spielberg for rendering ‘never again’ an empty slogan, devoid of meaning,” she said.

WND editor Joseph Farah, evangelist Ray Comfort and Laurie Cardoza Moore of the Christian Zionist group Proclaiming Justice to the Nations also denounced the USC Shoah Foundation, likening the group to Nazi appeasers.

“With all the work Steven Spielberg has done in increasing awareness of the Holocaust, and not just ‘Schindler’s List’ but his Shoah project as well, he just doesn’t get it. It’s astonishing,” she told WND.

Geller said the attitude “is illustrative of the willful blindness of liberal Jews.” “They have traded their religion for their politics. They have traded G-d (and their morality) for whomever is carrying the torch for human secularism. And now it is Obama,” she said.

She warned that Obama, through his action, or inaction, regarding Iran, is “single-handedly paving the way for the next holocaust.”

Geller said for the Jewish people, it’s “the late ’30s all over again.”

“Then too, the record of the establishment American Jews was shameful,” she said. “Then, too, Jewish leadership in America went along with the delusion that keeping the Jews out of Israel was the best course – because FDR said so. The American Jews went along then and they are going along with Obama now. Shame on Steve Speilberg [sic] for rendering ‘never again’ an empty slogan, devoid of meaning.”

Farah said no U.S. president since Israel was reborn in 1948 has been less of a friend to Israel or the Jewish people than Barack Obama.

“He seeks to redraw the nation’s borders in a way that would leave Israel unable to defend itself. He has sought to freeze building by Jews in and around Israel’s capital. He seeks a so-called peace agreement that would involve ethnic cleansing of Jews in a future Palestinian state. Obama is not operating in the spirit of Oscar Schindler. On the contrary, he is operating in the spirit of those who appeased Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. He is operating in the spirit of those who looked the other way as six million Jews were exterminated.”

Moore said that only are Spielberg’s comments “an insult to Jews around the world, but they are also an affront to the thousands of Christians and Muslims in the Middle East who are being slaughtered as a result of Obama’s failed foreign policy.”

“In giving this award to Obama, Spielberg and the Shoah Foundation have been shown to be both contemptible and irrelevant,” she said.

Evangelist Ray Comfort, whose projects include “180 The Movie,” said it’s “a tragedy beyond words that a man who produced ‘Schindler’s List,’ a producer who said ‘I ‘was put on this earth to tell the story of the Holocaust,’ would now honor a president that has done more than any other president to further the American holocaust of the killing of babies in the womb.”