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Our Delusions Will Undermine Obama’s Presidency

Yesterday we mentioned the gaggle of fringe figures who are currently pushing the “Barack Obama is not a citizen” conspiracy, but forgot to include Alan Keyes and his running mate Wiley Drake who are being represented by the United States Justice Foundation in their own lawsuit.  Unlike the other kooks, the USJF is claiming that Keyes and Drake actually have standing to bring a lawsuit because they were on the ballot in California and have therefore been personally harmed by the fact that a man ineligible to hold the presidency has been elected to serve in that office.  

But the USJF is not merely concerned about remedying the wrongs that have befallen its clients, it is dedicated to preventing the “irreparable harm” that will befall the nation is Obama is allowed to take office, as it explains in its own convoluted way:

To explain the implications of not resolving the eligibility question before Inauguration Day, USJF gives several possible examples: "If President Obama issues an executive order to rescind the Mexico City Policy and allows the tax dollars of Americans to fund organizations that promote abortions overseas, the door to question the legitimacy of that executive order remains open."

"If President Obama signs a treaty with an unfriendly power or the United Nations, the door to question the legitimacy of that treaty remains open.

"If President Obama signs a bill granting amnesty to illegal aliens, the door to question the legitimacy of that law remains open.

"If President Obama appoints new commissioners to the FCC who bring back the so-called Fairness Doctrine, the door to question those appointments and the legitimacy of the actions taken by his appointees remains open."

Thus, contends USJF in its lawsuit: "Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the office of president of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void, petitioners, as well as other Americans, will suffer irreparable harm in that an usurper will be sitting as the president of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal."

"In other words, as long as this case is in the courts, a cloud hangs over Sen. Obama's head. For the sake of our Constitution and our Republic, the issue MUST be resolved!" the legal group said.

So a group of right-wing loons are convinced that there is a conspiracy to cover up the fact that the next president is really a foreigner who is prohibited from holding the office and that it must be exposed and rectified to their satisfaction immediately, or else there will be a “cloud” hanging over Obama’s entire presidency that will ultimately imperil the well-being of the entire nation.  

And they wonder why nobody takes them seriously.