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Operation American Spring Hopes To Shut Down Washington, For Freedom

Yesterday, Operation American Spring organizer Harry Riley appeared on Alan Colmes' radio show, where he explained his plan to bring 10-20 million people into the nation's capital for a rally to overthrow Obama with the help of militias.

While Riley seems to have downgraded his turnout estimate, which organizers previously put at 30 million people, he told Colmes that the demonstration will be so "massive" that it will stretch into Maryland and Virginia and will block traffic and commerce.

"[W]e will interrupt the traffic, we will interrupt the commerce," Riley predicted. "That's the way it is when we're pursuing freedom and liberty for all."

Riley: We are intending to field about 10-20 million people in Washington, D.C. and we're going to close it down. We are going to circulate, clear out into Maryland and Virginia.

Colmes: You are predicting 10 million people will be doing this?

Riley: Absolutely.


Riley: We will have a gigantic, massive rally on May 16. Then some of those people will have to go home, they have to work. We will come up with a plan where we keep a large body of patriots there over a long period of time. We've come up with a plan whereby there will be a flow-in weekly.

Colmes: Keep them where? Where will they be exactly?

Riley: They will be all over DC. Wherever they can find a spot to stand, that's where they'll be. Around the White House, around the Capitol, on the Mall, all over.

Colmes: They are just going to be standing and doing what?

Riley: They are going to be there and we will be presenting grievances and our demands. We will wait, we will be there, we will interrupt the traffic, we will interrupt the commerce.

Colmes: You're going to stop the traffic flow, you're going to stop commerce.

Riley: Mhmm.

Colmes: You're going to get in the way of the ingress and egress of people going about their daily business and really get in the way of citizens who through no fault of their own are just happen to be going about their daily lives, right?

Riley: That's the way it is when we're pursuing freedom and liberty for all.

Colmes: So you are actually threatening obstruction?

Riley: What I'm saying is, we're going to shut the city down. You can call it what you want but we're going to do it in a peaceful, non-violent, unarmed manner of citizens expressing our disgust with the deceit, the betrayal and the lies the government has been feeding us the last five years.

Colmes: What's your plan to stop traffic? How are you going to do that?

Riley: We're going to have to be in the streets, that's how we stop it.

Colmes: You're going to be standing in the streets stopping traffic?

Riley: Absolutely.