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Only Wiley Drake Can Make Prayer Sound Like a Threat

Normally, when someone announces that they will be praying for you, your first inclination is not to take that as some sort of a threat.

But when that person is Wiley Drake ...

In a joint effort the two prayer teams sent an Open Letter to Senators to remind them that their prayer warriors would be praying and holding the Senators to account to righteousness.

Both these teams have been in existence since the turn of the century.

Pastor Drake said that these daily prayers, praying for each Senator by their full name, has already started.


The pastor also said that the BIBLE would be the standard used to determine how the Senators are doing.

The teams said that the names would also be quoted and prayed for on the two shows hosted by pastor Wiley Drake.

Given that Drake is notorious for praying for the death of President Obama, hundreds of members of Congress, and pretty much everyone who doesn't share his radical agenda, it is worth asking just what Drake will be praying for when he busy "praying for each Senator by their full name."