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Oath Keepers Founder Ready For War With Liberal, Islamist, Drug Cartel Coalition

While speaking with Alex Jones last week, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes said that his militia group is prepared to fight the supposed alliance between liberals, Black Lives Matter activists, anarchists, gangs, drug cartels and jihadists determined “to destroy western civilization.”

Rhodes boasted that his extremist group is “starting student chapters on college campuses across the country,” while Jones warned that college student bodies today are dominated by violent Maoists bent on killing their adversaries.

The Oath Keepers leader had a warning for any student who tried to burn the American flag: “You’re going to get stomped. That’s what’s going to happen to them. I know a lot of veterans, the first time they see some radical leftist trampling on a flag or burning a flag, they’re going to kick their ass. I know you can say it’s free speech, but the veteran doesn’t care about that. In his mind, it’s not free speech, that’s not protected speech, it’s incitement to violence so he’s going to go ahead and use it.”

“When someone gets in your face and wants to use violence, like that one commissar who was screaming and screeching for ‘muscle,’ ‘Bring some muscle over here, I need muscle,’ people like that, we have no sympathy for, so when she gets what’s coming to her and those like her, well that’s just the way it goes,” Rhodes continued. “When someone does defend themselves and they get stomped, of course they’ll screech and call them ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’ and ‘brownshirts’ but they brought it on themselves so I just have no sympathy for them.”

Rhodes then said that European leaders are inviting “jihadists” to set up “up a future Tet Offensive, Tet-style offensive in Europe and the same thing is being done to this country, so if we just sit back, they’ll win because they’ll just cause the chaos they’ll use as creative destruction.”

He said Oath Keepers’ “civil defense units” will “fight in the street” against “the jihadists and the cartels and the gangs and these radical Black Lives Matter people and the black anarchists, the black flag anarchists; they are all just force multipliers and proxies, just as we saw during the Cold War with communism.”

Jones announced that “we have a mole inside the Democrats” who has reported that party operatives are buying InfoWars shirts to wear while committing a “fourth generation false flag” and that Muslim refugees in America and Europe are “preparing a secret super assault, a jihadist, western Tet Offensive.”

According to Rhodes, liberals “support radical Islamists” because “they want to destroy western civilization” and want to “use them as a force multiplier as part of their creative destruction and then later control them. Of course they’re wrong, they’ll wind up with their heads chopped off at the end, if they prevail.” Jones further explained that the communist leaders “are planning a hot takeover” and are going to “conscript people that aren’t domesticated as their slaves” and hope that the radical Islamists commit terrorist attacks so that they can “bring in martial law after.”

Rhodes said this was the “creative destruction” he has warned about, suggesting that Hitler-like western leaders will not only bring in terrorists but also millions of Latin American refugees after deliberately “imploding” their home countries’ economies. He urged viewers to get ready to fight MS-13 gangs “or some Islamist cell down the street.”