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Noson Leiter: 'Barbaric' Gays Promote 'Homo-Terror' and 'Child Molestation' But God Will 'Vanquish' Them

Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency and one of the Religious Right’s favorite rabbis appeared yesterday alongside Rick Scarborough for a Tea Party Unity conference call.

Leiter, who blamed Hurricane Sandy on New York’s marriage equality law, said that the “end game” of the gay rights movement is “child molestation.”

“They are after our kids,” Leiter said, “They are after the bibles and guns that Americans cling to but they are also after us and after our kids.”

He warned that while gay rights advocates “will not rest until all of their opposition is totally eliminated,” ultimately they will lose because “the Lord will vanquish evil.”

The end game is that we are the target. It’s not that they are stepping on all of our rights and basically advancing the cause of child molestation in order to get to some other goal, that is part of their goal. The nature of radical pederasty basically involves the victimization of kids. The acceptance of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, that organization which has been traditionally accepted by mainstream homosexual activists in their marches historically, that reflects more than just the radical fringe, that reflects the unstated agenda, ultimately that’s what these people are after: they are after our kids. They are after the bibles and guns that Americans cling to but they are also after us and after our kids. If we don’t understand that we understand nothing; when we understand that and we know what the enemy is after then we can properly formulate a strategy of exposing it and addressing it. This is not going to stop, there is an existential struggle between not homosexuals but the homosexual activists who will not rest until all of their opposition is totally eliminated, co-opted and converted to their side. And that will not happen; we are on the winning side. The Lord will vanquish evil and hopefully it will be speedily in our days.

Leiter pointed to the Dignity for All Students Act, an anti-bullying bill in New York, as proof that “much of the homosexual agenda is predicated on predatory practices targeting youth” and pushing the “spiritual and emotional child molestation” of children.

He mentioned that he is working with ex-gay activist Greg Quinlan to stop legislation in New Jersey limiting the practice of ex-gay therapy on youth, which he asserted would have children be “molested by the state.”

Leiter went on to list a whole litany of claims that reveal the “terrorist and barbaric tactics” of gay rights supporters: arguing the children of same-sex parents are at risk for “molestation and trafficking” and live in “cruel” households, military service members are deterred from “complaining about homosexual advances” in the ranks and that conservatives are now the targets of “homo-terror.”

Much of the homosexual agenda is predicated on predatory practices targeting youth. I would suggest people look at the information on the Dignity for All Students Act in New York state, the homosexual indoctrination in schools is a major issues that could be attacked on that basis. It’s like spiritual and emotional child molestation, that’s a term people may want to use. There are bills in California and proposed in New Jersey and New York seeking to ban reparative therapy, as Greg Quinlan referred to it as the Jerry Sandusky bill that we just testified against this week in New Jersey. That basically takes away the opportunity of victims of child molestation to get the help they need, the reparative therapy they need to repel unwanted sexual feelings of same-gender attraction. These kids are to be condemned to a lifetime of thinking that they are homosexual when they really are not because the left does not want them to have that autonomy, that freedom of choice to opt for the therapies that can help them. So basically they are allowing children to be molested yet again; after they’ve been molested once they’re going to be molested by the state if this type of legation stands. That’s another example of how we can attack the barbarism in the radical homosexualist movement.

Transgender legislation, facilitating child molestation via increased access to victims like New York state’s ‘bathroom bill’; supporting homosexualist terrorism under the guise of fighting hate like the SPLC targeting the FRC, facilitating that homo-terror attack on the FRC a while ago; targeting businesses like Chick-fil-A for their expression of biblical faith; homosexual adoption, which victimizes the most defenseless by exposing them to the hazards of molestation and trafficking and other aspects of the homosexual upbringing including the cruel deprivation of the father and mother-led family; homosexuals in the US military, infringing on religious liberties of servicemen and chaplains and fostering an environment more hostile to complaining about homosexual advances; the branding of non-politically correct groups of Jews and Christians as dangerous extremists in a recent US Army presentation; the attack in Washington state on a florist for not delivering flowers to a so-called homosexual wedding. These are all examples of terrorist and barbaric tactics and strategies and policies of the homosexualist movement.