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More On Right Falling Prey to Obama-Induced Insanity

Remember back when George W. Bush was in office and Democrats and liberals were regularly accused of suffering from "Bush Derangement Syndrome"?

Well, just keep that in mind as your read Quin Hillyer's response to President Obama's appearance before the GOP House Issues Conference on the American Spectator blog:

This President is an Arrogant, Thin-Skinned, Prevaricator...

...and I could tear him limb from limb (figuratively speaking) in a Q & A give-and-take. I am watching him act like a haughty, angry, self-righteous, self-reverential (insert appropriate noun) in his meeting with House Republicans right now, and he is lecturing them like they are teenagers. What an arrogant SOB. He repeatedly accuses House Republicans of lowering the tone of debate, and denies that his side has done ANY politicizing or any insults, etc. This is just outrageous. His tone was utterly inappropriate, his body language even worse. That was not a polite give-and-take (although Republicans were certainly polite); it was a stern, rhetoric-filled, in-your-face lecture. He acts as if nobody ever has the right to question him seriously -- not only his are they not to question his motives, but his assumptions, his purity, his conclusions, and his own sense of his own exaltedness. This is a man with the soul of an authoritarian. And that is dangerous.

Look like the AFA's Bryan Fisher now has some competition in the quest to pen the most absurdly over-the-top attack on President Obama of the week.