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Michelle Malkin: Abercrombie & Fitch Ruling A Victory For Sharia Law

Conservative activists love to complain that religious freedom in the U.S. is under attack because companies in some states aren’t allowed to deny service to customers based on certain characteristics. However, when a Muslim job applicant is denied employment simply because of a religious garment she wears, then it’s appropriate, and any action to prevent such discrimination is Sharia law!

At least, according to Michelle Malkin, the conservative commentator who made the case yesterday on Newsmax.

Reflecting on an 8-1 Supreme Court ruling in favor of a job prospect who was turned down by Abercrombie & Fitch over concerns that she would [violate] wear a headscarf, that determined that “an employer may not make a job applicant’s religious practice, confirmed or otherwise, a factor in employment decisions,” Malkin insisted that non-discrimination laws, in this case the Civil Rights Act, represent onerous burdens on business.

“We have seen this increasing narrative of capitulating to unreasonable political correctness over and over and over again,” Malkin said, before criticizing “grievance-mongerers” who “pretend they stand up for the religious liberty of Muslims.”

“There’s something much more insidious and nefarious going on,” she said, mentioning the case of a Muslim woman who felt that an airline singled her out during a flight as a security risk: “The grievance-mongering industry has a very good way of forcing this country to apologize for the freedoms that we do have and in essence what we’re talking about here is the tacit adoption of Sharia law in America.”

She went on to criticize Democrats for trying to “shame people who are financially successful,” who of course, are the real victims of persecution in America.