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Michael Savage: Liberals Are 'Insane' Because They Drink Seltzer

Michael Savage dedicated his radio program on Monday to attacking Bernie Sanders, whom he thinks is America’s Pol Pot. He said that Sanders is just another “red diaper doper baby” who was corrupted by marijuana, trips to the “communist camps in the Poconos” … and seltzer.

“I still think the seltzer has something to do with it,” Savage said. “If I had the time, I’d go back to my scientific background and I would do an epidemiological study of the use of seltzer and liberalism and the insanity of liberalism. I think that the high carbon dioxide content, the little bubbles of carbon dioxide poisoned the brains of millions of kids in Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. Seltzer bottles. It’s like toxic lead. It’s like Dr. Schuze’s X-ray machines on the feet, the cancer machines.”

Savage claimed that Sanders’ supporters are mostly young people who still live with their parents and are “morons” who shouldn’t even have the right to vote: “I don’t think you should vote until you are 45 in this country. I still think you shouldn’t vote if you don’t pay taxes, and a minimum amount of taxes too.”