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Mat Staver: Legal Abortion Will 'Bring God's Wrath Down On A Nation'

At last weekend’s Values Voter Summit, the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel distributed a new booklet written by its founder and chairman, Mat Staver, titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed!”

Staver’s booklet is mostly a rehashing of the Planned Parenthood smear videos produced by David Daleiden last year, but it ends on a more apocalyptic note.

Noting that Daleiden based his project on a similar effort by anti-abortion activist Mark Crutcher, who, in the late 1990s, also tried to attack legal abortion with a flawed “investigation” of the practice of fetal tissue research, Staver writes that Daleiden has given America “one more chance” to “bring fetal tissue trafficking to a halt” and “ultimately, to end legal abortion in America.”

If the U.S. fails to take this opportunity to criminalize abortion, he writes, we will face the wrath and judgment of God, just as God cursed Cain after he murdered Abel:

Now, America gets one more chance to make that happen—and it’s crucial we keep pressure on politicians to bring fetal tissue trafficking to a halt. And, ultimately, to end legal abortion in America.

The stakes are enormous—for the unborn, for America and each one of us.

That’s because God is just and will act to avenge the lives of innocents taken by abortion. When Cain killed Abel, God told him, “The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground So now you are cursed from the earth” (Genesis 4:10-11). Just as Abel’s blood cried out to God for justice and brought a curse on Cain, the blood of more than 58 million precious unborn humans—the most innocent of victims—also cries out to God.

And just as God cursed Cain, so too His curse rests on our nation which protects the right of a mother and her doctor to end the life of her child. The shedding of innocent blood pollutes or defiles a land and will bring God’s wrath down on a nation, as it did ancient Israel

Likewise, the death of innocent preborn infants, their blood spilled (and harvested) in abortion facilities across America, invites God’s judgment on modern America. “The Lord hates…the shedding of innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17) and holds people accountable for what they do to protect the innocent from murder…