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Mat Staver: Kim Davis Is A Savior, It's Justices Ginsburg And Kagan Who Are Breaking The Law

Mat Staver, the chairman of Liberty Counsel and one of the lawyers representing Kim Davis, stopped by “Crosstalk” last week to discuss her case, praising Davis as a savior of persecuted Christians in America and comparing her to the biblical figure Esther, who convinced King Ahauserus not to exterminate the Jews, and to the parents of Moses, who refused to kill him despite pharaoh’s decree.

“People throughout history, through the Scriptures — you know, Moses’ parents, they had to choose whether to obey God or man back then, when Pharaoh says you need to give up your baby boys because he’s going to kill them,” Staver said. “And the Book of Hebrew says they did not fear the king’s edict, and they ultimately hid the baby boy, and of course that baby boy was Moses.”

While Staver praised Davis as a savior for attempting to stop her entire county office from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, he said that Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan should be impeached for not recusing themselves from the Obergefell decision, since both had officiated at weddings for same-sex couples. (Staver made the remark in response to a caller who falsely identified the justices who had presided over gay couples’ marriages as Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor; however, he has previously said that Ginsburg and Kagan should have recused themselves.)