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Mat Staver Feels For Pulse Nightclub Responders Who Had To 'Get Tested For AIDS-Related Conditions'

On today's "Faith and Freedom" radio broadcast, Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver and Holly Meade insisted that the deadly attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando last year had nothing to do with targeting gay people and was simply an unrelated act of Islamic terrorism.

Meade claimed that while Omar Mateen, who carried out the attack, may have targeted the Pulse nightclub because he "was dealing with homosexual sin on his own behalf," the attack itself did not have "anything to do with killing homosexuals at all." Staver agreed, insisting that while it was "very clear" that Mateen carried out the attack out of loyalty to ISIS, President Obama and others used it to promote the narrative that "it was the rainbow flag, it was an anti-gay issue."

Staver, who criticized memorials in the wake of the attack for turning into "homosexual love-fests," went on to insist that local police who responded to the attack were traumatized because they had to "get tested for AIDS-related conditions" because of all the blood on the scene.

"In regards to the Pulse nightclub," he said, "as tragic as it is, some of these officers have no doubt gone through trauma as well because they were going through the Pulse nightclub, it was blood everywhere and, you know, they're having to get tested for AIDS-related conditions because they're literally walking in pools of blood."