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Mat Staver Claims COVID-19 Vaccines Are Designed to 'Prevent People From Procreating'

Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver (Image from May 14, 2019 appearance on CBN)

Last week, we noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned religious-right activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel into hard-line anti-vaccine activist. On Wednesday, Staver appeared on a livestream hosted by World Prayer Network where he spent an hour spreading increasingly wild conspiracy theories while alleging that the vaccine is part of a globalist plan to depopulate the earth.

"What is involved in this is depopulation, population control to reduce the population of the planet, and to control everyone, and to do it by force and to have a tracking mechanism to determine whether or not you've had one of these particular injections," Staver said. "COVID is being used as a mechanism for a bigger global agenda."

When asked to explain how the vaccine is supposedly part of a conspiracy to depopulate the planet given that many vaccine advocates like Microsoft founder Bill Gates have taken it, Staver went deep down the rabbit hole.

"I don't know whether [Bill] Gates got it. I don't recall seeing anybody injecting his arm and if he did, who knows what they were putting in it," Staver said. "Bill Gates is definitely a social Darwinianist, like Adolf Hitler, like Margaret Sanger, like J.D. Rockefeller, like the Carnegie Institute, like [Henry] Ford. ... They were all Darwinianists, social Darwinianists. They believed in evolution, they believe that Blacks and people that were not white were not as evolved, and that the whites were the more evolved ones—and only certain kinds of whites—and that was their ideology."

"If vaccines are supposed to make you more healthy, and you want to reduce population by 10 to 15 percent—which is going to be 700 million to a billion people on the planet, [Gates] wants to do that right away; about a billion people on the planet he wants to reduce and wipe off the planet now," Staver continued. "You have to ask yourself how you're going to do that. And if vaccines actually make you live longer, why would you then say people need vaccines? Well, it's because they know that when they inject them, they can put things in your body that ultimately affect your reproduction."

Staver claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are designed to "concentrate" in the reproductive organs of those who receive them in order to "prevent people from procreating."

"The vaccines go to certain concentrated places," he claimed. "It has very high concentration in the ovaries. What we're seeing with women is missed menstrual cycles, two menstrual cycles a month, heavy bleeding, painful menstrual cycles. We're even seeing that with people, by the way, who haven't gotten the shot but have been in close proximity to those who have the shot. Start asking women in your reaches—it may be a sensitive situation, but just ask them: Have you experienced, after being in close contact with somebody who's had the shot, have you experienced any rashes? Just ask them two questions: rashes or bleeding? And I can guarantee you [that] you will be surprised at how many women will come back and say, 'Oh my—that's why my monthly cycle is all messed up.'"

"What it's doing is it's affecting the reproductive systems," Staver added. "And it goes to the testes as well. And it's affecting both men and women in terms of their ability, or rather their inability, to later procreate. So, one: It's killing people. Two: it's going to prevent people from procreating. So, I will guarantee you that in a few years, when somebody does a study, they're going to say, 'I wonder why the population reproduction rate has plummeted?' And whether they're going to connect it to this or not, I don't know. But this is their insidious plan."