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Mat Staver Accuses Companies Offering to Provide Abortion Coverage of Treating Employees Like 'Slave Labor'

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and reversing 50 years of precedent by eliminating the constitutional right to abortion, dozens of companies announced that they could provide coverage or reimbursements to employees who may now need to travel out of state to obtain an abortion.

Appearing on VCY America's "Crosstalk" program Tuesday, religious-right legal activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel likened those companies to those who cooperated with the Nazis in Germany during World War II and accused them of treating their employees like "slave labor."

"These employers say they will give money to the mothers in order for the mothers to kill their children so you won't miss any time off from work rather than give you time off from work, which is what's required by federal law," Staver said. "They don't want to give you the time to be a mother. They don't want you to be away from the place of work. They would rather kill your children—pay you to do so—so you could jump back into the workplace and you can go through their eight-hour day or however long they're going put you at the at the wheel so that they can make a profit."

"That's the despicable nature of what's happening," he continued. "Women and others across the country ought to just really cry out and say, 'You despicable companies!  You're paying to kill the children of these mothers so that you can continue their slave labor and continue your profits off of them."

"These companies and the states that go down this road, they will not be blessed," Staver warned. "They will ultimately be complicit with the shedding of innocent blood, and we'll look back on those companies just like we look back on some of the things that happened during Nazi Germany and say, 'Shame on you. How in the world did this ever happen?'"