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Mark Creech: Antichrist Obama Will Cause God To Destroy America Like Tower Of Babel

Rev. Mark Creech, the head of North Carolina’s American Family Association affiliate, the Christian Action League, is out with a new column in the Christian Post suggesting that President Obama is the Antichrist and explaining that America is tempting God to punish us like he destroyed the Tower of Babel.

“Many Bible scholars believe this very type situation will repeat itself in the last days – the day before Christ's return,” Creech writes of Babel. “A strong man will rise up, commonly believed to be the anti-Christ. He will unite the world in a cultural, political, and religious federation. As in Babel, the end will reflect a world determined to be rid of God.”

He adds that we’re seeing such a situation in America, implying that President Obama is the Antichrist who will bring about the Earth’s last days: “A popular leader rises who is given almost god-like, messianic qualities by the media and others – one who single-handedly seeks to concentrate power – one the Christian Left and proponents of the erroneous doctrine of social justice treat as an anointed one.”

“Our culture has largely abandoned trust in God for the opiate of government provision and hope, while endorsing via legalization abominable acts that God condemns,” he warns. “Fair warning, America! Look to Babel. This can't end well.”

The story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11 is a historical narrative of the first recorded form of government gone awry. The apostle Paul wrote, "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come" (I Corinthians 10:11).

What are some of the principles in this account that forewarn us of the corruption of governments and their ultimate end?

First, beware of charismatic leadership that unifies the masses in rebellion to God. The Bible says Nimrod was "a mighty one in the earth" (Genesis 10:9).

Second, beware of governmental concentrations of power in rebellion to God

Third, beware of a false religious or moral premise that influences government in rebellion to God.

It's frightening when true religion or morality is co-opted for some wicked enterprise and denigrated to the point that its objective becomes exactly the opposite of what it was meant to represent. This is more likely the scenario that occurred in Babel.

Genesis also says the Lord descended in judgment upon the scene. God is longsuffering and reluctant to supernaturally interfere in wrath, but He will never indefinitely stand for His purposes being thwarted. God confounded their language and forced the families of the earth to move away from Babel and accomplish what God had intended all along. That's the way it always works.

Many Bible scholars believe this very type situation will repeat itself in the last days – the day before Christ's return. A strong man will rise up, commonly believed to be the anti-Christ. He will unite the world in a cultural, political, and religious federation. As in Babel, the end will reflect a world determined to be rid of God.

Nevertheless, no matter what an individual's eschatological persuasion, the fact is, nations have seen this state of affairs occur throughout history over and again. And, it never ends well.

We're seeing it in America. A popular leader rises who is given almost god-like, messianic qualities by the media and others – one who single-handedly seeks to concentrate power – one the Christian Left and proponents of the erroneous doctrine of social justice treat as an anointed one. Our culture has largely abandoned trust in God for the opiate of government provision and hope, while endorsing via legalization abominable acts that God condemns.

Fair warning, America! Look to Babel. This can't end well.