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Louie Gohmert Warns Gay Marriage Will Put America In 'The Dustbin Of History'

After suggesting that the House move to arrest Eric Holder, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told Washington Watch host Tony Perkins last week that the push for marriage equality undermines biology and will inevitably lead the “country down the road to the dustbin of history.”

Unsurprisingly, this isn’t the first time Gohmert has made such a claim.

We see marriage that’s been defined for the history of man, whether you believe in nature or as we do nature’s God, it’s designed that it’s just biologically for a man and a woman to procreate and to create a family and that’s not our ruling and yet we’re going to throw that aside and say we are so much smarter than the entire history of mankind when actually we’re not smarter, we’re just falling into the same rut that Solomon talked about: ‘There’s nothing new under the sun.’ This is what you’re going to do to lead your country down the road to the dustbin of history and we don’t have to go there.