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Loesch: Failure To Protect Religious Liberty Could Lead To Gays Being Stoned In The Streets

On Saturday morning, right-wing radio host and self-described "total partisan hack" Dana Loesch participated in a CPAC panel on religious liberty, along with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and Rep. Randy Neugebauer. During the discussion, Loesch said that if America doesn’t protect the supposed "right" of Christians to discriminate against gays in public accommodations, it will eventually lead to gays being stoned to death in the streets.

Loesch claimed that a lot of atheists who listen to her radio program worry that not protecting this "right" to discriminate could end up with gays being stoned in public.

"You don't have to be a Christians to be affected by loss of religious liberty, because if one liberty is taken, more liberties will be taken," she said. "If I'm not speaking up [while] you're losing rights then what will happen to me when the day comes, if someone comes to me? What if you're stoned for walking out in the street for being gay? I mean, come on, that's where the conversation needs to go":