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Larry Pratt: 'Tyrant' Obama Won’t Stop Rape Because He 'Doesn't Want The People Having Guns'

On his “Gun Owners News Hour” this weekend, Gun Owners of America director Larry Pratt hosted Michele Fiore, a Nevada state legislator who is sponsoring a bill to allow guns on college campuses, which she says will help prevent rapes.

Fiore criticized President Obama for talking about combatting rape while failing to support her bill, to which Pratt responded that Obama wouldn’t support her measure because he is a “tyrant” who “doesn’t want the people having guns” because otherwise they’ll rise up against him.

“He doesn’t want the people having guns because he’s a tyrant, and he knows that as long as we’re armed there are certain limits to how far he can go,” he said.

“And actually, Mr. Obama, didn’t you find out the limits there in Bunkerville, Nevada?” he said, referring to the armed standoff with the Bureau of Land Management at the Bundy ranch.