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Larry Pratt: Obama 'Hates America The Way Muslims Do'

Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, welcomed pastor and prominent Donald Trump endorser Carl Gallups to his “Gun Owners News Hour” radio program last week, where the two discussed what they believe is an Islamist infiltration of the White House.

Pratt claimed that Obama is “facilitating” the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. even though “Islam is kind of like the Nazism of our age.”

“According to Obama’s own books and writings, he comes out of the Sunni Muslim tradition himself,” Gallups said. “Now, I’m not claiming that he is a down-on-the-prayer-carpet-five-times-a-day-praying-to-Mecca Muslim, but that’s his heritage, that’s his background and he certainly does acquiesce to the Sunni Muslim tradition.”

“And whatever his allegiance, secret or open, to Islam,” Pratt added, “he hates America the way Muslims do, and that’s not a secret.”

Gallups went on to explain his (false) birther theory that “not a single hospital in America claims [Obama’s] birth.”

The discussion inevitably turned to top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, who conspiracy theorists have been accusing for years of being a Muslim Brotherhood agent infiltrating the government.

The two implied that Abedin’s marriage to former Rep. Anthony Weiner is part of the conspiracy because otherwise, in Gallups’ words, Abedin would have been the victim of a “mercy killing” by now because Weiner is Jewish.

“And then, of course, when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, who does she make chief of staff? Huma Abedin,” Gallups explained. “Who is she married to? Anthony Weiner. Who was he? Well, he’s a congressman, a Democrat congressman, and look at this: who happens to be Jewish. Now, for a Sunni Muslim who’s so ingrained into the Sunni Muslim system that her entire family is deeply involved in the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most radical arms of Sunni Islam you can get, to marry a Jew? I mean, how does that happen without retribution? I mean, in the Middle East, we have mercy killings, I mean even in the United States we’ve had Muslim families do this when their daughters pull a stunt like that.”

“It kind of suggests that maybe there’s something more to it than meets the eye,” Pratt agreed. “Part of it, I guess, is called ‘taqiyya,’ the willingness to lie if it suits your purposes as a Muslim.”

Pratt's organization, Gun Owners of America, has endorsed and been embraced by Sen. Ted Cruz.