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Kirkwood: Michael Sam's 'Penchant For Penis' Is No Cause For Celebration

Folks around here know John Kirkwood as the anti-gay activist that often serves as a guest and frequent co-host of Peter LaBarbara's "Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Radio Hour." Given that resume, it is not very surprising to discover that Kirkwood is not particularly pleased about all the attention that football player Michael Sam is receiving for announcing that he is gay, declaring is a piece published on Matt Barber's new BarbWire website that it is a sad day for America when a man is prasied for announcing his "penchant for penis" and declaring "that he prefers ass to vagina":

This past Monday, sports radio erupted with the news that the NFL was about to have its first openly gay player.  Michael Sam, former defensive stand out for the Missouri Tigers had just come out of “the locker room” with the revelation that he is “gay,” and sports radio was anything but “sports” on Monday.  Across the dial hosts fell over one another to say how “great,” and “courageous” this was and how “outrageous” and “bigoted” it would be to not don the rainbow glasses and genuflect in a glitter shower of approval.

From local host to syndicated show nearly every voice used the same terms, made the same points and came to the same conclusions.  Michael Sam’s coming out was a great moment in American history and only a few barefoot and bucktooth Bible thumpers would not be riding the rainbow band-wagon.


A football player announcing his penchant for penis is a seminal event in our nation’s history and if anyone dare disagree, well they must be wearing a Tebow jersey under their Klan sheet as they goosestep to the Westboro Baptist’s hitlerjugend und bund deutscher.


Aren’t you tired of the sexualization of America?  From six year old beauty pageant victims to an NBC Olympic announcer dressing in drag, sexuality is pushed everywhere.  NBC and GM are busy in your face with their gay Olympiad and now the NFL is threatening the same.

FLOTUS proudly took time out of her busy schedule to tweet, “You’re an inspiration to all of us.  We couldn’t be prouder of your courage both on and off the field.”  A bit later the president chimed in with “Congratulations on leading the way.  That’s real sportsmanship.”

There you have it America!  A dude, proudly proclaiming to his team and then the world that he prefers a** to vagina is now a presidential moment and enough to inspire the first couple to recognize him as an “inspiring,” “courageous,” trail-blazing “sportsman?”

The NFL used to be a place we could turn to avoid politics and propaganda.  When the front page and business section were Rembrandt dark we could always turn to the back section to forget, if only for the moment, controversy, catastrophe and the clash of worldviews.  No more.  America just got a make-over and Mapplethorpe is in, Rockwell is out.  There’s not a corner in the country that is safe from the politically correct, “you’ll bow at our command,” North American man boy football lover’s association.