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Kevin Swanson: Women's World Cup Team Will Recruit Children Into Lesbianism

Kevin Swanson, the Colorado pastor who is hosting fellow death-penalty-for-gays advocates and at least three Republican presidential candidates at his National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, next week, believes that everywhere he turns, someone is trying to turn his daughter into a lesbian: the Girl Scouts, Disney movies like “Frozen” and, of course, feminists.

On his “Generations Radio” program back in July, Swanson also pointed to another lesbian-recruiting culprit: the U.S. women’s national soccer team.

He was despondent about the number of lesbian players on the U.S. team and was even more despondent that Republican presidential candidates were congratulating the team for winning the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada. Their victory, Swanson lamented, “was celebrated, of course, by one of the lesbian players doing her lesbian thing with her lesbian whatever.” He said that “those of us who stand against lesbianism” may have to “take a stand against the team itself and what the team has accomplished.”

Declaring that the U.S. has transformed into Sodom, Swanson said that God was likely offended by the World Cup team’s celebration, which he said is paving the way for divine wrath against America. Swanson went on to once again praise nations like Uganda and Kenya for upholding laws criminalizing homosexuality, explaining that, in contrast, America is on the wrong side of God on the issue of homosexuality.

“It’s everywhere today,” he said. “Our Christian children are running into homosexuals right and left. They live in our neighborhoods.”

As Swanson explained, lesbians in women’s sports seek to become role models for children in order to “indoctrinate” them into homosexuality.

“What do you do when there’s a fairly close association between lesbianism and sports?” Swanson asked listeners, reminding them that “the only way in which homosexuals reproduce is by way of the schools” and by ensuring that kids are “indoctrinated when they’re four, five, six, seven years of age, they need to be prepared to become those homosexuals that homosexuals want them to become.”

He continued: “The best way in which homosexuals reproduce is by way of the public schools and so there will be a full-court press towards bringing these lesbians into the coaching, into the schools, into the classrooms.”

After grieving that most young Christians are befriending gay people, Swanson told parents that they should “not give them role models, as in lesbian coaches, homosexual coaches, who would represent something of an abominable lifestyle and yet to try serve as a role model for our kids. Friends, I’m warning you, be very, very careful with this whole problem of homosexuality and lesbianism within the public schools today, and it’s only going to increase exponentially in the years to come.”