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Kevin Swanson: 'The Shape Of Water' Represents 'The End Of Civilization As We Know It'

On his radio show today, extremist anti-LGBTQ pastor Kevin Swanson declared that the new film "The Shape Of Water" represents "the end of civilization as we know it."

Swanson fumed that the film about a woman who falls in love with a mysterious sea creature is an explicit violation of Leviticus 20:15, which declares that "if a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal."

"It's hard to even describe what goes on" in the film, Swanson said, "but, of course, the death penalty crime of Leviticus 20:15 had to do with the absolute lowest, most depraved activity that humans have ever engaged in at all and it's only the most depraved people in the world that even want to mention this stuff, let alone sit there and watch it for two and a half hours on the movie screen."

"The movie itself is completely centered around cross-species mating," he continued. "The movie [approvingly] presents the Leviticus 20:15 sinful habit that really has only been part of the most depraved people, the most insane people that ever lived in the history of mankind."

"This is the end of culture," Swanson said. "This is the end of civilization as we know it."